Home Forums Sparkfun MP3 Shield Library Support Forum Introduce sounds or alter the sounds of bank GM1,GM2 in vs1053 MP3 Player Shield Reply To: Introduce sounds or alter the sounds of bank GM1,GM2 in vs1053 MP3 Player Shield


Yes, there is such a plug in. And this library will allow it to be uploaded to the Vdsp. However, the library does not support sending the PCM data on the command channel. That will take quite a bit of work, and as yet has not been implemented.

A quick work a round that I am using, is to have a MIDI file of some beeps. And when a key pad button is pressed, I pause the current file, send the MIDI file and then return to playing the current file. Noting that MIDI files of a single note are short enough to fit in a CONST ARRAY in code. Making it it simple not to have to open a 2nd file and deal with its memory requirements and pointers.