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To the following file


append the following code to it:

#undef MP3_XCS
#undef MP3_XDCS
#undef MP3_DREQ
#undef MP3_DREQINT
#undef MP3_RESET
#undef SD_SEL

#define MP3_XCS             A3  //Control Chip Select Pin (for accessing SPI Control/Status registers)
#define MP3_XDCS            A2  //Data Chip Select / BSYNC Pin
#define MP3_DREQ            A1  //Data Request Pin: Player asks for more data
#define MP3_DREQINT           //Corresponding INTx for DREQ pin
#define MP3_RESET           A0  //Reset is active low
#define SD_SEL              10  //select pin for SD card

For a quick test it is simpler to use the #undef to remove any prior pin assignments. And per the schematics/docs I believe the above should work.

Note there DREQ does not land on any IRQ’s, hence the driver needs to run the refill mode as POLLed. Subsequently the MP3_DREQINT is not used.