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I did some more testing today, while printing the !. If I set #define USE_MP3_REFILL_MEANS USE_MP3_Polled, the SD card does not show up and no song is played. If i issue ‘d’ command, it prints:

“Files found (name date time size)”

but does not show any files available. I also loops through the refill() from the moment I reset the chip. The DREQ value is a steady 3.3 V.

If I put it back to USE_MP3_INTx, I get some varying results. If I try to play a track, I get 1 second of music again, and the serial monitor prints around 16-25  refill loops issued. In these loops it also prints:



(Random assortment of symbols and squares)

by:  (Some squares, 1’s and U’s)

Album: (More random symbols and squares)

Enter 1-9,f,F,s,d,+,-,i,>,<,p,r,R,t,m,M,g,k,h,O,o,D,S,V :




The behavior has changed a bit since yesterday in that I can no longer issue any commands at this point. It is now frozen, and I have to restart it. If instead of ‘1’ I issue ‘1iiiiiiiiiiii’, I still get more of the music, but it also freezes in the end of this sequence, and never gets back to the menu. The system seems to freeze close to the end of the song. The serial monitor prints that it has received the ‘i’ command a few times and prompts for new commands, until the end, where it prints “Received comma” “Received comm” etc. depending on what track I play. Then the system is frozen and I need to reset again.

The SD card seems to be working as far as I can tell on the computer, at least. Is there any way of testing this?

Thank you for all your help! 😀