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jonny  says:

Thank you for your reply…i changed that in native SD library now i am getting in my serialmonitor is
MP3 Testing
Error: Card init
Error: Volume ini
Error: Opening root
SCI_Mode (0×4800) = 0×0
SCI_Status (0×48) = 0×0
VS Version (VS1053 is 4) = 0
SCI_ClockF = 0×0
SCI_ClockF = 0×0
Failed to open track001.mp3
Failed to open track002.mp3
.. same thing repeated up to 100..
Failed to open track100.mp3
Whoa there cowboy!
I am trying with the Sparkfun MP3 samples with name track001.mp3 and track002.mp3
Thanking you in anticipation