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    I’m trying to build a master (Arduino UNO) / Slave (Attiny84) communication with EasyTransfer.

    I’m using your 2way example. Has is code for the Uno & EasyTransfer and SoftwareSerial & SoftEasyTransfer for the attiny84.

    Both have a 16Mhz Crystal (and fuses set for that).

    I’m using Arduino 1.03 to build the projects on both chips.

    The problem that i’m facing is, there seem to be a miss-communication between them.  When I press on the switch on the UNO, the led on the attiny flickers, stays on some time.. turns off..

    Doing the opposite, (switch on the attiny) doesn’t turn on the led on the UNO.

    I did the test with a UNO to UNO and it worked on the first try.

    Is it possible that the true serial version of the lib can’t communicate the the SoftwareSerial (SoftEasyTransfer) ?

    of maybe the chips aren’t at the same speed ? (mind that i did try 9600 bps ? 19200 bps but it did not change anything.)

    both are running on a 16 Mhz (as said at the top of the message).

    I did try the led blink test on both with a 1 sec ON/OFF and they seemed to blink at the same rate.

    I’m bit lost on the next steps to take 😉

    thanks for any help,

    Jeff C.



    Is it possible that the true serial version of the lib can’t communicate the the SoftwareSerial (SoftEasyTransfer) ?

    No I’ve tested that several times with no problems.

    led on the attiny flickers, stays on some time.. turns off..

    That might also be issues with debouncing.


    Are you still having issues? I can’t think off the top of my head what could cause this just because you are using an ATtiny.



    Yes, it was a speed problem.. master is a atmega328p and slaves ares ATTiny84 (at 8Mhz) and ATTiny85 (I needed to put this one at 16Mhz.. odd) both uses internal oscillators.


    Thanks anyways

    Jeff C.

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