Hiya Bill,
First, congrats on your wedding. 🙂 Love the wishing well project.
I’m a fan of your EasyTransfer, and was using it successfully to communicate between two arduinos, in a project to control a Bedini 3-pole kit. In adding a third Arduino into the mix, to add a battery bank manager / web server…I decided to move to I2C, to insure future expansion potential… and that’s where I’ve hit the skids… at this point, I have a Master and two slaves… the master is the user interface for the system. Slave 1 is the motor controller, and Slave 2 is the batt manager/web server. The I2C EasyTransfer is working from Master to Slave 2, but all communications to Slave 1 are inoperative. 🙁 The wiring is correct, far as I know… each Arduino sharing the SDA, SCL and Gnd. I’ve tested running from USB power, and from battery power with the same result.
The code for all three sketches for the system are here:
Any help you can provide in clarifying why slave 1 comms are not working, while slave 2 does… I’m befuddled!
Many thanks.