Home Forums EasyTransfer Library Support Forum EasyTransfer – Example Error!

  • This topic has 5 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Anonymous.
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    so i downloaded the library – EasyTransfer, unzipped it and opened on example, the compiler keep giving that error:

    ‘EasyTransfer’ does not name a type.

    that error has been given for any line that goes with that syntax: EasyTransfer ETin, ETout;  or EasyTransfer ET;

    why is that happening? how to fix it?


    You did not unzip the library into the correct location. Did you sort this out??


    Hi Bill

    I have exactly the same problem! I follow the right way to extract and install the library (from diffenrent source : github and another with your own site tranfert ) … and … ‘EasyTransfer’ does not name a type.

    What can we do to fix this ?


    hey guys i had the same problem i changed include <easytransfer> to include “easytransfer” then had to add in the H file


    Hi harryt43

    Is it a syntax problem ? Did we have to change something into H file ?

    Can you explain a little bit more ?


    the easytransfer.h file isn’t in the right place and that was the quickest fix i was still writing my code so the code had no name and i used softeasytransfer because i can direct the rx and tx pins then i click sketch then add file and added the .h and .cpp files. u may need to copy and paste your code to a new blank arduino window  hope that helps

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