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  • #1693

    Question: Will this driver run the MP3 Player Shield from sparkfun runs on Leonardo ??

    Answer: Don’t Know at present.

    I would think so. but don’t have one to confirm.

    Please let us know if you or anyone finds out.


    A quick look at the schematic shows an issue with Arduino Leonardo Board, preventing out of the box operation.

    Support for Arduino Leonardo is afflicted by having the SPI pins not routing the same pins as the UNO. This is similar to the Arduino Mega. Where as it appears it should simply work with additional jumpers, from the Leonardo’s ICSP port, which has the SPI pins to the MP3 shields equivalent SPI pins.

    D13 to ICSP3 – SCK
    D12 to ICSP1 – MISO
    D11 to ICSP4 – MOSI
    and remember to not use D10

    Please let us know if this works? I think it should.


    Yes Yes Yes its playing BUT

    It plays for a split second, and only the first track001.mp3

    Every time i typed a number or ( 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 or – or +)


    This symptom is typical of the interrupt not triggering the refill(). I bet if you play that or any other file, the music will advance about one second at a time, then stop.

    I apologize for not being familiar with the Leonardo, as I don’t have one. So I am getting up to speed vicariously. Some Google Foo, leads me to see there are Issues with attachInterrupt(). Our method of establishing the pin’s interrupt to the refill(). INT.0 and INT.1  are SWAPPed. (nice). And that initial release of the Arduino IDE 1.0.0 had all INT’s outright broke.

    So make sure you have IDE 1.0.1 or higher. As 1.0.1 fixed INT 0 & 1. IDE  1.0.2 also fixes INT 2 & 3. But note the Leonardo still has the pins of 2 and 3 swapped.


    Two solutions:

    1) put a jumper between D2 and D3. Remembering to leave D3 (not used by our example) as INPUT. I have actually done this on my UNO to validate that other INTs will work on this driver. (just not on a Leo).


    2) Change line 174 of SFEMP3ShieldConfig.h to :

    #define USE_MP3_REFILL_MEANS USE_MP3_Polled

    It is by default: USE_MP3_INTx

    You can also try USE_MP3_Timer1


    Actually simpler than all that above. Change line 145 of SFEMP3ShieldConfig.h from

    #define MP3_DREQINT          0 //Corresponding INTx for DREQ pin

    #define MP3_DREQINT          1 //Corresponding INTx for DREQ pin

    This will swap the interrupts and should match the Leonardo.

    If that works I can put in a Flag to auto select the correct value based on board type.


    This solution works perfect:

    Change line 145 of SFEMP3ShieldConfig.h from

    #define MP3_DREQINT          0 //Corresponding INTx for DREQ pin to

    #define MP3_DREQINT          1 //Corresponding INTx for DREQ pin


    Thank you.



    I have version IDE 1.0.1


    Great, I have already patched that to automatically occur for Leonardo’s. And will get flushed up in the next minor release.

    Can you confirm that you did need to jump the wires, and that the jump instructions were correct?

    It looks a little inconvenient to get the jumpers off the Leonardo’s ISCP header.


    yes I confirm that the 3 wires are required (pin 13,12,11) to ISCP header.

    Is it possible to place some pictures ??


    Thanks. I appreciate the confirmation.

    I have preliminarily loaded the change to my GitHub Fork As to automatically correct the interrupt based on the processor being identified as the Leonardo’s __AVR_ATmega32U4__ flag.



    2 small things

    In the help text

    Serial.println (F (“[r] Resets and initializes VS10xx chip.”));

    must be

    Serial.println (F (“[R] Resets and initializes VS10xx chip.”));

    Serial.write((byte*)&title, 30);

    gives a error

    MP3Shield_Library_Demo:151: error: no matching function for call to ‘Serial_::write(byte*, int)’


    //print out the arrays of track information

    Serial.write((byte*)&title, 30);     Serial.println();     Serial.print(F(“by:  “));     Serial.write((byte*)&artist, 30);     Serial.println();     Serial.print(F(“Album:  “));     Serial.write((byte*)&album, 30);     Serial.println();


    Thanks for pointing out the typo.

    As for the other issue. You appear to be appointing out a compile error. I thought from above comments you had it working on the Leonardo. So what changed or is different at your end? As I don’t see an issue at my IDE 1.0.1 & UNO. I have just upgraded to IDE 1.0.2 and it appears fins here too.

    That said I do read in the release of 1.0.2 there was an addition to the Leonardo’s Serial.Write functions. Maybe there is an issue here with the Leo. As the bug report of this on the 1.0.1 indicates a similar scenario.

    Perhaps trying 1.0.2 will work. If this the issue.

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