Hey all,
I’ve read several places online that folks haven’t had any luck getting the Logitech wireless controllers to work. I’ve this morning had some success with this, so I thought I would share. @bill this might make a good addition to the troubleshooting guide.
My configuration:
Logitech Wireless Action controller
CLK on pin 2
CMD on pin 9
ACK on pin 10
DATA on pin 13
3.3v to the controller
10k pull-up resister from data to 3.3v
Changes made in PS2X_lib.cpp:
#define CTRL_CLK 4
#define CTRL_CLK_HIGH 5
I haven’t tested this exhaustively, but it seems to work real reliably now. Issues I previously had with the controller not being recognized or all data bytes being set high don’t seem to be happening anymore.
Hope this helps somebody else.