Home Forums PS2X PlayStation 2 Controller Library Support Forum ps2x.config_gamepad Error?????

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  • #2116

    When i compile the program it gives me a error its set up for my arduino mega and i cant get it to work and also i want to use it to power my arduino Sumo Bot for The robot games.




    #include <PS2X_lib.h>
    PS2X ps2x;

    int E1 = 4;
    int M1 = 5;
    int E2 = 7;
    int M2 = 6;

    void setup(){
    ps2x.config_gamepad(21, 23, 22, 24, false, false);
    pinMode(E1, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(M1, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(E2, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(M2, OUTPUT);

    void loop(){
    if (PSS_RY == 126);
    digitalWrite(M1, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(E1, HIGH);
    if (PSS_LY == 126);
    digitalWrite(M2, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(E2, HIGH);
    if (PSS_RY == -126);
    digitalWrite(M1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(E1, HIGH);
    if (PSS_LY == -126);
    digitalWrite(M2, LOW);
    digitalWrite(E2, HIGH);
    if (PSS_RY == 0);
    digitalWrite(M1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(E1, LOW);
    if (PSS_LY == 0);
    digitalWrite(M2, LOW);
    digitalWrite(M2, LOW);



    Error is:

    arduino-1.0.3/PS2_Controller_mode_V2_0.ino:49: undefined reference to `PS2X::config_gamepad(unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char, bool, bool)’


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