Hi I’ve been using your SoftEasyTransfer and firstly thanks very much!
Hi I’m using SoftwareSerial, SoftEasyTransfer & RS232 to drive relays on one unit from the value transmitted on another unit. All works well, however the relays are normally “high” unless 5v is applied to a pin on the other unit the problem I have is when I disconnect the transmit unit the relays remain HIGH.
I have added in a “delay” and “else digitalWrite(8, LOW);” after the “if(ET.receiveData()){” it works but there is now intermitant LOWs on the relays I asume due to just catching the “else” at the time the transmit unit is between transmits.
Is there a way I can change the “else” to a command/instruction that if mySerial recives nothing in a period of 3 seconds to then set the relays to LOW? Thanks in advance