Tutorial: Vixeno, Vixen Sequence Conversion for Arduino
Posted in Arduino Libraries, Tutorials by Bill
7 Oct 2012

If you haven’t seen videos of those awesome Christmas light shows that sync lights to music then you haven’t ever been on the internet. The software used to create those shows is actually pretty simple to use. Load up a music file, setup number of channels and go to town creating complicated fades, sparkles and other animations with ease. A show or light ‘sequence’ is really just an array of values feed to a controller when played back. I wanted to use a popular (and free!) light show creator called Vixen to create a short light show to be embedded in a project run by an Arduino. This is the script I wrote to do just that so you can too. This tutorial will walk you through using Vixen to create a light show and then how to use my script to embed it in your next micro-controller project. Here’s what I did this it: The Electronic Wedding Wishing Well
26 Comments // Read more..The Sparkfun MP3 Player Shield for Arduino is a inexpensive and easy way to add MP3 playback capability to your Arduino project. But it was lacking an easy to use Arduino Library to go along, so I fixed that. Introducing the SFEMP3Shield library just for this shield. Now playing an MP3 files is as easy as MP3player.playTrack(5); and all the work is done behind the scenes.

The purpose of this library is to make it easy for the everyday Arduino user working on projects with multiple Arduinos communicating with each other and sharing data. I had many people ask me for the code I used in my PS2X library example that sent PS2 Controller values wirelessly to my SAGAR robot. It got to be tiresome answering the questions and I had an idea to write a library to help the inexperienced with micro controller communications. This is a easy to use and no frills way to send data between two Arduinos.
443 Comments // Read more..Arduino Playstation 2 Controller Library Troubleshooting Guide
Posted in Arduino Libraries by Bill
27 Mar 2011

Ok, if you are here, you are having trouble getting your Arduino talking to your PlayStation 2 Controller via my Handy Dandy PS2X Library. Well, never fear, I stand by my leet coding abilities (Ha! who am I kidding? Really though, the library works, there’s tons of examples using it.) and I’m here to help. The problem is there’s not much I can really do unless you live near North Florida and want to come pay me a visit. It’s hard giving help over the internet! But maybe I can guide you in the right direction with this troubleshooting guide.
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Want to interface a PlayStation 2 Controller with an Arduino Microcontroller? You have come to the right place. Below you will find a link to download an easy to use library that takes care of all the interfacing for you, so you can start using the controller right away for your project. Don’t forget to link your cool projects in the comments, I’d love to see what you do with the library.
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