Mara and I met in college, both getting our B.S in Electrical Engineering. We are both true passionate geeks; we love to tinker and create things. So it’s no wonder why we put so much into creating a truly original Geek Wedding. There was a lot of 3D printing involved, meters of wire used on our clothes; we even used a soldering iron during the ceremony. We developed a lot of useful stuff during the creation phase, and of course everything is Open Source.
6 Comments // Read more..Part 5 of the tour through Our Geeky Wedding focuses on the clothes we wore for the wedding. Or, technically what we did to the clothes we wore for our wedding. Of course in a wedding with an engineering theme only one thing comes to mind when you think of the attire: e-textiles!
10 Comments // Read more..When it came time for Mara and I to draft our wedding ceremony we pondered how we could incorporate an element from our theme. We had 4 days to go and only some vague ideas. Mara bought some wood letters to spell out ‘I Do’ and wanted to use them in the ceremony. We also joked about using a soldering iron during the ceremony; but how could we do it tastefully? Then it hit us, a common wedding ceremony know as the “Fishermen’s Knot” could be reworded for something a little more geeky. Yes, we really did solder some wires together in the middle of our wedding, with a Weller soldering iron Mara bought me for a past birthday no less. And you won’t believe what PCBs came in handy for the build…
14 Comments // Read more..Our Geeky Wedding – DIY 3D Printed Geek Wedding Table Centerpieces
Posted in Projects, Wedding by Bill
24 Mar 2013
Well, I’m pleased to say the #GeekWedding was a success and I am now a married man. The 3 weeks leading up to our wedding turned into a hack-a-thon of custom DIY projects we’ll be posting about over the coming months. We are going to wait out the 5-8 weeks it will take to get our wedding pictures before we post about many of the projects, but for a few we have enough media on hand to post about now. First up is our DIY custom 3D printed wedding centerpieces.
41 Comments // Read more..Our Geeky Wedding – DIY Electronic Wedding Invitations (DEWI)
Posted in Projects, Wedding by Bill
29 Jan 2013
Next up in the progress towards our ultimate geek wedding are the wedding invitations! Not content with plain old paper invitations my fiancée Mara and I smashed our geeky heads together to come up with a design that keeps with our circuits and swirls theme. We decided to be more literal, by putting actual circuits into our invitations! However, time spent on design, production and cost were a concern. We had to make about 50 invitations to be sent out to our guests.
39 Comments // Read more..Our Geeky Wedding – Electronic Wedding Wishing Well (eWWW)
Posted in Projects, Wedding by Bill
8 Oct 2012
This is the first (and probably only one before the big day) post regarding my upcoming geeky wedding. This was one of those last minute “How can we make this our own?” efforts we wanted done in time for our engagement party. Mara had bought a cheap cardboard ‘Wishing Well’ for the party and our wedding. It was cute, but bland and uniform. We wanted to make it into something original and something that matched our theme ‘Circuits and Swirls’. So we turned it into the ‘Electronic Wedding Wishing Well’.
8 Comments // Read more..This is the story about an electronics geek and how he proposed to the girl of his dreams; who also happens to be a geek. I try to keep my blog about projects and not about my personal life, but in this case I’ll make an exception. This is pretty big after-all.
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